How to Get the Best Possible Health Insurance Coverage for YOU

Posted by
Charlotte Smith

  • 3/19/2023

  • 4 min

Health insurance plans are important. That statement might seem painfully obvious, but that doesn't make it any less true.

It's especially pivotal as the pandemic starts to wind down. Many people found the quality of their health insurance tested in ways that seemed unimaginable just a short time ago, and as a result there's an ongoing drive to find new and better options.

But finding health insurance plans and the best health insurance rates can also be confusing. Indeed, depending on where you live and what kind of coverage is available, the hunt for quality health insurance can start to feel like an endless maze.

It doesn't have to be, though. Indeed, the process of finding the best health insurance for you and your situation can be surprisingly simple and logical. So let's take a look at how it all should play out, and what some of the rules, criteria and guidelines are.

Nail Down Your Needs

Before you consider the best health insurance companies, the first step in the process is to consider both your demographics and individual needs. This, too, might seem like an obvious place to start, but you'd be surprised how many people end up lost in the health care forest because they don't do this part of the process as thoroughly as they should.

The basic demographics are obvious-age, basic health factors, preexisting conditions, etc. Marital status and whether you have a family is important as well, not to mention your job, health history, activity level, how much health care you'll likely need, and so on.

Putting all of this together basically gives you a health care snapshot. This in turn allows you to look at different levels of coverage and some of the companies that provide that coverage with an educated eye. And when you do that, you can start to hone in on exactly what you want.

Evaluating the Plans and Companies

Now let's look at the plans. This is where things can get tricky, but there are definitely some tips you can use to winnow down the possible choices.

For starters, know when you need to enroll in a given plan. There are two basic choices here-the government's list of federal exchanges (on or your state's individual marketplace if you happen to live in one of the dozen states that offer this.

Already have a plan or a company? Sorry, but you still have some work to do. There are new companies and plans entering the market all the time, so you may be able to get a better value. Premiums rise and fall constantly too, so the payoff could help your bank account, too.

When you do look into plans, make sure you take all the costs into account. Many people look at monthly premiums, but there are tools out there the calculate the estimated annual cost of a given plan, and these tools take into account things like deductibles, co-pays and how much healthcare you may actually need based on your situation.

Finally, it's important to be aware of the traps behind the plans that look too good to be true. Make sure the company is reputable, and peek behind the curtain to be sure that important benefits aren't left out in these plans.

Also, beware of plans that offer a zero-dollar deductible, but shift parts of other expenses like hospital stays into your lap. In short, the old adage definitely applies-if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Call on the Pros For Help

Given that what we've covered so far is a quick overview, you can follow all these guidelines to the letter and still come away feeling like you need help.

Thankfully, it's out there. Plenty of companies offer the services of health insurance navigators or certified application counselors, and the value of calling on these qualified professionals is that they knew exactly how to help you through the process.

That means more than just knowing the ins and outs of individual plans and companies. These services can help also help you with the necessary documentation for a given plan, which can induce things like Social Security cards, tax returns, immigration documents, and so on.

These companies and experts can also take you down a different road to help you make the right choice. They can take a deeper dive into your individual situation and examine different scenarios in which you might need varying levels of coverage. That can expose hidden flaws or benefits in the plan or plans you're considering, and the value of that kind of advance work could make a huge difference in what you end up paying and the kind of care you get.

One of the best new companies coming online is They can get you to the right plan at the right price, so look them up on their site or place a call at (number here) to get the process started now!